Showing 1 - 12 of 12 projects.
More Than Nets More Than Nets Social Justice 102% of $30,000 raised

Help us fund malaria nets.


According to WHO estimates, there were 212 million cases of malaria in 2015. The African Region continues to carry a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2015, the region was home to 90% of malaria cases and 92% of malaria deaths. Infection is particularly harsh on the young, old and those with already existing health issues. Due to impoverishment, many don't have the necessary resources to prevent and treat infections.


The long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) provide an effective barrier and protection from the mosquito bites that cause the infection. They are a form of personal protection that has been shown to reduce malaria illness, severe disease, and death due to malaria in endemic regions. Develop Africa helps address this need by providing nets to vulnerable individuals in need.

Long-Term Impact

A reduction in deaths by malaria will make it possible for more people, who would have died, to take part in growing their community's economy. Nets also eliminate the loss in productivity that happens when people fall sick. Families will also not need to divert scarce resources towards malaria medication, remedies, and hospitalization. By reducing infection and death, we uplift the people, communities, and nations of Africa.

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Treasure DTS 2019 Treasure DTS 2019 Short Term Missions 0% of $123 raised

Treasure DTS is a 5-6 month discipleship training school that provides biblical understanding and practical application of who God is, his heart for the nations, and his heart for the individual; it includes classroom lecture, intentional discipleship, local and international evangelism, and teaching on how to make Jesus Christ known throughout the world.

To give students the opportunity to grow in discipleship, evangelism, worship, intercession, and Christian values. This happens during a three-month lecture phase with twelve different topics centered on Jesus Christ, the Trinity, Evangelism, Identity, and Discipleship. During the course of the Lecture phase, there are weekly assignments that focus on finding the Treasure around you. You will be tasked to go out in the community and get to know those around you, ranging from store owners, students, refugees, and locals. Then through different means, you will tell their story!

-We will also be part of a ‘Perspectives Class’ which is included in your DTS tuition. Each Monday evening we will join the greater Boise community for this course which will lead to an even greater understanding of the world we live in.

-This leads to our two-month outreach somewhere out in the world. We will pray as a staff team and hear God’s voice for where he wants the DTS to travel. We will be working with, Refugees, homeless communities, mercy ministries, and individuals worldwide.

The DTS Aims to Graduate Students:
With a growing understanding of the breadth and depth of God’s character and ways

Who are becoming more like Jesus in the way they relate to God and people

Who increasingly cooperate with the empowering presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit

Who listen to and obey God as the result of God’s enabling Grace

Who search the Scripture in such a way that transforms beliefs, values, and behaviors

With strengthened lifestyles of worship, intercession, and spiritual warfare

With a greater ability to work with others, especially those different to themselves

Who can share the Gospel with the lost and have a lifelong commitment to do so

With a commitment to continue to be involved in some way with God’s work among the nations, including unreached people, the poor, the needy, and in spheres of society

Who understand the calling and values of YWAM and are aware of a variety of opportunities available to them throughout YWAM

With a clearer understanding of God’s purposes for their life and a sense of their life direction

Who either:

Go on to serve God in either a context familiar or foreign to them.
Pursue further training (in or outside of YWAM) to equip them for further service.

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BACKPACKER’S DTS 2019 BACKPACKER’S DTS 2019 Partner Orgs 34% of $10,000 raised


The Backpackers DTS is a Discipleship Training School that powerfully combines the pursuits of backpacking and missions. The chief focus of the DTS is to see people become disciples of Jesus who love God with all their heart, obey God radically from a posture of love, and make disciple-making disciples. We spend approximately half of the 13 week lecture phase in the Rocky Mountain backcountry (we do mostly backpacking, though we typically spend a week rock climbing and a week whitewater rafting as well). On our trail weeks, the teaching takes place in the outdoor classroom, and everyone shares responsibilities in running camp. We explore topics such as the Word of God, Hearing God’s voice, the Father-Heart of God, the Nature & Character of God, Holy Spirit, Missions, Disciple-making Movements, ect. Backcountry experience is not required for potential students, but a desire to pursue intimacy with God deep in the beauty of His creation is!

The weekly schedule of the Exploration phase will include:

12 hours of teaching and feedback: There is a different speaker and topic each week, and on trail weeks, the speaker will backpack/raft/climb/camp along with us and teach in the outdoor classroom.
8 hours of worship & intercession: Experience various expressions of worship, and cry out together with God’s heart for the lost.
8 hours of serving our community in work duties: As followers of Jesus, we want to develop a servant-hearted attitude and lifestyle. Everyone will receive a small, daily duty at base or in camp, and once a week we will all tackle larger community projects together.
4 hours in outreach preparation: Learn about South-Asian culture and language, and intercede for future ministry.
2 hours in small groups: Divide into same-gender groups to discuss deeper topics and process weekly learning.
1 hour in one-on-ones: Process individual growth and discipleship with a DTS staff or school leader.
10+ hours are available for learning outdoor skills or free-time depending on the week’s location.

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China 2019 Winter Team China 2019 Winter Team Short Term Missions 3% of $10,000 raised

- Short term trip to China 2019 Winter -
Reminder:  Deadline for donations is January 2nd!

Church is sending 5 short-term missionaries to the city of Hope to share His LOVE with students from Feb 2 to Feb 10th.
Our mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with these young people of China.

The team will be teaching the Word, praying, sharing, activitities such as Arts & Crafts, Body worship/Hip hop dance, Games, Skit, and doing everything we can so that these students will get a glimpse of God's Agape Love!

Please join us by Praying and Giving as the Lord leads.

Please pray for  
1.Unity: bind the team in Love and Truth of Christ.                      
2.Protection: the team and students before, during & after the trip
3.Salvation: every student will encounter God's Agape LOVE
4.Provision: enough funds to be raised within a short amount of time

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John and Susie John and Susie Full Time Missionaries 178% of $10,000 raised

We are John and Susie. We met in college our freshman year and started dating during a study abroad program in Africa. From the beginning of our relationship we shared a passion for service and international development work. Early in our relationship, we realized we ‘sharpened’ each other. We encouraged each other to take all our ideas of bringing heaven to earth from an ideology to a reality.  Even while we were college we admired and respected Food for the Hungry as a development organization and found that their vision and mission of holistic ministry resonated with our hearts.

We are blessed to have the opportunity to serve with Food for the Hungry in Southeast Asia. Food for the Hungry began working in Southeast Asia following the tsunami, initially to provide relief assistance to children and families who survived the tragedy. In response to the long-term need for rebuilding and rehabilitation, Food for the Hungry has committed to help communities and leaders discover sustainable ways to improve their living and know and embrace the love of God.

We are both so excited and blessed to be serving in areas we are passionate about in Asia!

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Haiti Child Sponsorship Haiti Child Sponsorship Partner Missionaries Accepting Donations

January 12, 2010, is a day the world, particularly Haiti, will never forget. Late in the afternoon, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the region, leaving total destruction in its path. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives. Many more were left injured, homeless, and hopeless. Of those remaining, a great number were children.

Children living at the Source of Light Center orphanage in Haiti are in great need of sponsorship. In partnership with the Haiti Baptist Convention, Hungarian Baptist Aid and the Baptist World Alliance, Virginia Baptists are committed to restoring hope and a future to as many children as possible.

Children living at the orphanage are in great need of sponsorship and here is how you can help:

  * $35 per month—Daily Sponsorship (food, daily care, housing expenses)
  * $20 per month—Education Sponsorship (books, uniforms, school supplies)
  * $15 per month—Health Sponsorship (vitamins, medical exams, medication)

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Homeless Ministry Homeless Ministry Social Justice Accepting Donations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis tortor mauris, ac luctus ipsum. Ut malesuada lorem ut mauris auctor pulvinar. Nullam a augue a est porttitor varius. Proin vitae turpis dui, quis rhoncus diam. Vivamus in libero vitae ipsum tempus egestas eget vel mauris. Integer id lacus vel libero molestie elementum vel vitae ligula. Donec ultricies bibendum nisi, ac viverra leo luctus et. Curabitur ante risus, pretium vel vulputate at, ultrices non quam. Quisque id tortor ac neque iaculis pellentesque eget id ligula. Fusce a odio arcu, eu semper nunc. Proin consectetur metus a arcu hendrerit porta. Sed quis ipsum felis, ut congue augue.


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Support our Mexico Vision Trip in 2010 Support our Mexico Vision Trip in 2010 Short Term Missions Closed

Mexico summer vision trip 2010.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porta orci velit. Etiam lorem purus, tempus id laoreet et, volutpat vitae libero. Phasellus convallis tortor sit amet diam dictum convallis. Sed tincidunt molestie felis, mattis tempor mi imperdiet in. Duis imperdiet congue pellentesque. Aenean faucibus imperdiet nisl, vel porta sapien ornare a. Etiam elit velit, fermentum id malesuada ut, semper sit amet nibh. Phasellus metus erat, accumsan in sagittis non, accumsan a turpis. Nulla lacinia condimentum tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Quisque enim diam, cursus in dignissim vel, porttitor at diam. Nunc malesuada, ligula non elementum posuere, elit velit malesuada leo, quis sollicitudin nibh purus vel mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc ultrices porttitor eros non consectetur. Donec id ultricies nisi.

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Couple in Afghanistan Couple in Afghanistan Full Time Missionaries 38% of $10,000 raised

We are a couple in the middle east on missions.  Our identity has been hidden for security purposes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae vulputate orci. Proin pulvinar scelerisque nunc et accumsan. Ut egestas, ante pellentesque luctus ullamcorper, dolor neque accumsan nisl, sed adipiscing orci nisi quis velit. Phasellus vel dapibus diam. Praesent venenatis interdum augue nec aliquet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in sapien mauris, vel viverra nunc. Mauris quam orci, dapibus eget commodo eget, dapibus nec quam. Ut vehicula interdum leo ac gravida. Nullam mattis semper nibh eu ultrices. Donec iaculis, lacus at consequat hendrerit, est arcu pulvinar mi, ac fringilla turpis neque vel nibh. Donec interdum imperdiet auctor. Fusce malesuada suscipit arcu ac egestas. Quisque sed quam at mauris varius venenatis a et risus.

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Christmas Banquet Christmas Banquet Short Term Missions $4,850 raised

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Sewol Victims Fund Sewol Victims Fund Social Justice 2% of $5,000 raised

Support the families of Sewol

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QuickDonate QuickDonate Short Term Missions $11,113,628 raised

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